Taurus 856 TORO Review: An Optics Ready Revolver To Rule Them All

Taurus Defender 856 TORO Review - Vortex Defender
Taurus Defender 856 TORO Review - Vortex Defender

There are many things I never thought I’d see in the firearms world, a bullpup AR15, an 8×57 M1 Garand, and a suppressed shotgun are a few that come to mind. But a red dot mounted on a small frame revolver is a bit more believable, and today we are looking at the first example of such; the Taurus USA Defender 856 TORO in 38 Special.

By Coldboremiracle

Coldboremiracle, aka Jeff Wood, is a self-described Freelance Sharpshooter, as a fervent firearms enthusiast he spends most of his professional and free time in the Rocky Mountain high country chasing ballistic perfection. With a focus on precision rifle shooting particularly as it can be applied to the great sport of hunting, he tests products and theories in hopes of finding the best hardware and skill set for that perfect shot.

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