Best Canik Pistols: Carry, Competition, & Home Defense Picks

The story of Canik pistols mirrors the age-old tale of the underdog. When the TP9 was first introduced to the market, the price tag coupled with the then-unknown brand name meant that for many people the words “quality” and “Canik” couldn’t co-exist.

Years after being first introduced to the US market, Canik has become one of the top manufacturers of imported Turkish pistols, boasting a successful competition team that includes 22x champ Nils Jonasson.

We break down their pistol lineup to help you pick the right Canik for you.

By Kenzie Fitzpatrick

Kenzie Fitzpatrick is a professional 3-gun competitive shooter, an NRA-certified Pistol Instructor & Range Safety Officer, a certified AR-15 Armorer, an NROI-certified Chief Range Officer, & host of the Reticle Up Podcast.

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