Author: Michael Crites
Michael Crites is el jefe around here. He has spent more than 30 years shooting, learning about guns, and collecting firearms old and new. He holds his Oregon Concealed Handgun License, and enjoys testing products in the back 40 of his farm.
Richard Henry Lee
To preserve liberty, it is essential That the whole body of the people always possess arms , and be taught alike, especially when young , How to use them. Richard Henry lee
Tom Clancy
Angelina Jolie
James Earl Jones
Patrick Henry
Dalai Lama – “But if someone has a gun and is trying to kill you .. it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun”
They are the same
Why we fight controls on our rights!
Why we fight controls on our rights! In Boston right before the country declared its independence . Great Britain was trying to ban weapons disarming the populace and instituting martial law . ” the inhabitants to be disarmed” ” the governor has said three things in command from the ministry ,… Continue reading Why we fight controls on our rights!
Why we fight controls on our rights!
Why we fight controls on our rights! In Boston right before the country declared its independence . Great Britain was trying to ban weapons disarming the populace and instituting martial law . ” the inhabitants to be disarmed” ” the governor has said three things in command from the ministry ,… Continue reading Why we fight controls on our rights!